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Quest For Power by Android 18


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 

Prelude to a Quest:
(The Story of Aspro’s Past)

Aspro walked into the spaceship. It was his last mission. After this he would be able to marry her. He was nearly eighteen and as soon as he returned from his missin he would be dismissed to join the royal guard. Then he would have the proper rank to ask for Colifla’s hand in marriage.
She worked for the queen and had for several years, Aspro had been looking to marry her for about as long as he’d been working to become a royal guard, nearly three years.
 “Come along Boy!” the captain, yelled.
 “Yes Sir!” Aspro snapped out of his thoughts an arrived at the cargo bay where he would be staying for the next few weeks. Their mission was simple he was supposed to go with Major Bardock and his company of men to conquer new planets for Lord Freeza.
 As soon as Aspro sat down the ship lifted off and they were on their way.
 Aspro spoke to no one and said nothing unless he was told to. He was the perfect soldier. And Bardock was interested in him.
 “Sergeant.” Bardock said.
 “Sir!” The sergeant said.
 “Bring me that boy.” Bardock pointed to Aspro. 
 “Yes sir.” The sergeant left and went to speak to Aspro, “Boy.” He said sternly.
 “Yes sir?” Aspro said.
 “The Major wants to see you.”
 “Yes sir.” Aspro stood and walked over to the doorway where Bardock stood, “Sir?” Aspro asked.
 “What is your name boy?” Bardock’s voice had a harshness to it that was rarely ever seen by any of the crewmembers.
 “Aspro sir.” The boy’s voice never quivered. He stood as though Bardock were any other person in the world.
 “Well, boy, come with me.”
 “ Yes sir.” Aspro followed Bardock out the door. The sergeant followed as well. Bardock gave the sergeant a reproving glare.
 “Stay here Private.” He said firmly.
 “But sir…” The new private began stuttering.
 “Are you questioning me?”
 “N-no sir.” With a defeated tone the man walked a way.
 ‘What a weakling.’ Aspro thought to himself.
 “Aspro,” Bardock said.
 “Yes sir?”
 “What rank are you?”
 “ Private sir.”
 “ Well, I don’t have room for any more privates sergeant.”
 “Yes sir.”
 “You have a girl back home?”
 “No, Not yet sir.”
 “Not yet?” 
 “When we return to Vegeta, I’m planning to join the royal guard. Then I am going to court her.”
 “So she’s a lady of power is she?” Bardock said with a sly tone in his voice.
 “You could say that sir.”
 “ The queen perhaps?” Bardock still held the same cool confident look. Aspro’s expression did not change; even tough such a thing had been mentioned. Everyone knew that the quean had been bored with the king ever since she’d had the miscarriage.
 “No sir. Her handmaiden sir.” Aspro’s tone continued to have its same serious note.
 “Soldier, do you know what fun is?”
 “Yes sir.”
 “Then loosen up a little boy. You don’t need to be stiff.” Bardock slipped the boy a rare smile.
“ I am on duty sir.”
“Well, as of now you are my student. Gravity Room 3 now.” Bardock’s eyes once again took a harsh set.
“Yes sir!” Aspro high tailed it to the gravity room.
For the remainder of their trip Bardock trained Aspro and soon he became the right hand man of the Major. They were nearing the planet and were preparing to land.
“Aspro, you stay here with the essential staff. If we need you I’ll call.”
“Yes sir.”
“Bardock left with five other men. When he returned they were all dead and he was barely alive.
“Sir!” Aspro yelled, “Somebody get the medics!” Everybody scrambled around a tried to find a couple of medics.
When the medics had finally been brought to the deck they took Bardock to sick bay and left him in a bed to recuperate. He stayed in that bed until the returned to the planet Vegeta.
 When they did return, Aspro was discharge from the regular army and was sent to see the King about becoming a Royal Guard. Upon entering the Royal Guard, Aspro found out that Bardock had been imprisoned for treason. So, the first thing he did was to find out where and then he signed up to guard the prison.
 When he arrived at the prison it was worse than he’d anticipated. There were weaklings all over and he could see no reason for any of them to be here. But when he got out of the main prison area and into the maximum-security cells he could see where this prison got its reputation as the toughest prison to break out of.
 He arrived at Bardock’s cell a few minutes early to relieve the guard that was already there. They went through the formalities and Bardock lifted his head a little as the boy took over. “So you made it kid.” He said gruffly.
 “Yeah, I made it. What happened to you?”
 “I told you I can see the future right.”
 “Well, the king didn’t believe me. He said I was lying and put me in prison. But that’s to my advantage. That just makes a breakout easier for me. Especially if you’ll help me kid.”
 “I can’t do that and you know it.”
 “Come on kid.”
 “Do you want them to have my job?”
 Then one of the other guards heard the two talking, “Are you having any trouble with this one?” The older guard asked.
 “No sir!” Aspro said only a little surprised. Then as the older guard passed he turned back to Bardock. “You’re crazy. I’ve got a life to watch out for. I’ve got a girl now. I can’t let anything happen to her.”
 “So you got your girl too.”
 “Yeah that’s right. And She’s a real special girl too.”
 “How’s that?”
 “Some people say that she’s the key to the maze of the ring of power.” Aspro said in a hushed tone.
 “That’s just a legend.”
 “Maybe, but I’m gonna find out. And you’re gonna help me. Because as soon as I have that ring I’m going to be immortal and then I’ll be able to get the book of power and control the universe.”
 “Well kid, you sure do shoot high. How do you expect to get off this planet alive?”
 “That’s where you come in. you’re going to tell me the day before Freeza comes to destroy the planet. Then me and my girl are gonna high tail it outta here.”
 “What makes you think I want to help you?”
 “Because I can just somehow happen to lose the torture room slip for the next oh say three weeks and then you won’t be able to have a torture session with the prince.”
 “Fine. But you’d better be here every day until I give the go ahead.”
 “No problem. I’m already signed up to watch you for the next three weeks at this same time.”

 For the next three weeks Aspro did only two things. First he would guard Bardock’s cell and second, he would go on dates with Gentla. Then one day nearing the end of the third week Bardock gave him the warning. That afternoon he asked for the next two weeks off to deal with a personal problem. The leave of absence was granted and he took Gentla out that night.
 “Gentla, we have to leave this place.” He warned her.
 “Why?” She asked earnestly.
 “There’s something coming, something evil. I can feel it. And I don’t want to be here when it shows up.”
 “So you’re going to run away?”
 “No. It’s not that I’m going to run away, it’s that I don’t want to be here when the planet blows up. Please. I don’t want to leave you here to die. We have to leave tonight.”
 “And how do you expect to get off the planet?”
 “I have a ship and a crew ready.”
 “So you’ve known about this for some time?” She sounded skeptical.
 “How?” She knew how, but she wanted to make sure that he was crazy.
 “Bardock. He told me that this would happen.”
 “You’re going to believe him? He’s crazy Aspro.”
 “Gentla, please just trust me on this one. I know what I’m doing. We’ll run away together and get married. We’ll have a great life.”
 “I trust you. I don’t even mind the part about leaving. But think of our children. What will happen when the day comes for them to be born? What will happen to their education? I don’t want my child growing up among a bunch of space junkies.”
 “The men I’ve hired are not a bunch of space junkies. They’re the best in the business and they all agree with me that this will work. Gentla, take a leap of faith. You have to believe in something before it will happen. If you believe that our children will grow up to be strong and smart then they will be.”
 “Alright, but we have to gather some of my things first.”
 “I have everything ready. We’ll gather your things and go.”
 “I just hope that this isn’t a bad decision.”

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