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Sailor Moon E (Eternal) by Sailor Nebula 


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter  10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 pt 1
Chapter 12 pt 2
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 pt 1
Chapter 14 pt 2

Chapter 7: 
 The Senshi of Destruction and the Great Destroyer

Hotaru had fallen ontop of Duo.  They went into Duo's place to talk.  
 "So you mean that you've never heard of the Gundam Pilots or the colonies?" asks Duo as he is tilting backwards in his 
 "Nope.  I've never heard of any of that stuff.  Should I know about them?" asks Hotaru.
 Duo looks at her wide-eyed.  He tilts his chair to far back and lands on the floor.  Hotaru stands up and rushes over to 
 "Are you okay?" asks Hotaru.
 "Yea.  I think so."
 "That's good. I thought you might have hurt yourself."
 'Gee.  I never knew a girl that I just met could be worried over someone.  She is kinda of cute.' thinks Duo.
 "So you were saying about the colonies and Gundam Pilots that I should know about.  Wait can I ask you something?"
 "Sure. Ask me whatever you want."
 "Have you ever heard of the Sailor Scouts?"
 "Who are they?"
 "They a group of female super heroes."
 'I must not even be in the right world or something.  I've never heard of colonies and he's never heard of the Sailor 
Scouts.' thinks Hotaru.
 "So let's see.  I've never heard of these Sailor Scouts and you've never heard of the Gundam Pilots or Colonies.  Then 
where are you from?"
 "I'm not sure.  I was in Tyoko and some how I ended up here while helping my friends."


 Tracker has summoned 5 monsters.  
 "Alright each of you has a certain scout to go after.  Since Chronos has made this plan difficult by spliting up the scouts, 
each of you must find a scout and destroy that scout.  No one must fail.  If you fail don't bother coming back.  I will go after Sailor 
Nebula.  The rest of you already have your objective now move out."
 The five monsters disappear and head out after the scouts.  Tracker then disappears to go after Sailor Nebula.

At the Time Gate...... 

 Sailor Chronos watches. 
 "They will need help.  Amber and Krysta come forth." says Chronos.
 Two girls step forward.  Krysta has light brown short boyish looking hair style and black eyes.  Amber has long red hair 
and blue eyes. 
 "I must send you two to help the girls." says Chronos.
 "So your sending us to help our parents of the past?" asks Amber.
 "Yes.  Your parents need your help so that your future will happen.  If something should go wrong it could change the 
way your future is right now."
 "Mission Accepted. Let's go." says Krysta.
 "Gee pushy.  I'm coming."
 The two girls disappear.

Back at Duo's......

 The monster looks through the window to see Duo and Hotaru talking.  The monster knocks something over.
 "What was that?" asks Hotaru.
 "Stay here. I'll check it out." says Duo as he grabs his gun.
 Duo puts his hand on the doorknob.  Hotaru stands up.  The door gets blasted open.  Duo lands on the floor hard.  The 
monster steps into the room.
 "Ah Sailor Saturn. I've found you now you will die." hisses the monster.
 "You got to catch me first!" says Hotaru as she races outside. 
 Hotaru pulls out her transformation pen once she is outside.
 "Saturn Crystal Power!" 
 "Ready to die Sailor Scout?" asks the monster.
 "No. I'll destroy you first." says Saturn.
 The monster fires a blast at Saturn but she dodges it.  Duo gets up and goes outside.  He sees Saturn and the monster 
fighting.  The monster fires another blast at Saturn.
 "Saturn Silence Wall!"
 "So you think you can keep this up forever?  I know I will out last you." hisses the monster.  
 The monster disappears and reappears behind Saturn.  Saturn's eyes widen in shock as the monster hits her from 
behind.  Duo fires a bullet at the monster.  The bullet strikes the monster in the shoulder.  It hisses in pain as the bullet hits it.  Duo 
rushes over to Saturn.
 "You, foolish boy, have just made a big mistake." hisses the monster angerily as it fires a blast at Saturn and Duo.  
Saturn stands up and uses her silence wall to protect Duo.
 "Come on we have to get out here!" says Duo as he grabs Saturn's arm.
 "I can't let this monster go.  It has to be destroyed." replies Saturn.
 The monster sends another blast at them.  Saturn pushes Duo out of the way.  The blast sends Saturn flying backwards.  
Duo shoots another bullet at the monster as he rushes over to Saturn who is out cold.  As the monster hisses from the pain of the 
bullet, Duo picks up Saturn and runs off.  He manages to get were his gundam is at and he takes off out into space with Saturn.
 Duo sets the auto pilot to take them to Colony L3.  He looks down at Saturn and sighs.
 'I hope she's alright.  She is kinda cute, too.  Hopefully Qautre can help us out.  Whatever that thing was it was affected 
by bullets.  I wonder what kinda of magic that was that this girl was using.  I guess I'll have to find out from her.' thinks Duo as he 
dozes off.  
 *Duo's Dream*

 A young Duo is running through the halls of a palace.  He is pulling a little Trowa along with him.  The two of them 
reach a huge kitchen.  Duo opens the fridge but it pulled out by his cousin Lita.  
 "What are you doing?  How many times does the cook have to tell you to stay out of the kitchen your going to get in 
some much trouble and why are you pulling poor Trowa into this mess?" asks Lita.
 "Aw.  Come on Cuz.  We're only having a little snack." whines Duo.
 "Aren't you suppose to act like a Prince and not a whiney brat." says Lita.
 "I'm not a whiney brat!" 
 "What's going on?" asks a younger Hotaru.
 "Hey Hotaru!" shouts Duo.
 Duo grabs a flower from the vase behind him and gives it to Hotaru.
 "Oh thank you Duo. How sweet."
 Michelle walks in to see the others.  She smiles as she sees Trowa.
 "Hello Trowa." says Michelle.
 "Hi Michelle."  answers Trowa.
 "So what are you girls doing here?" asks Duo.
 "Where here to hang out with Lita." answers Michelle.
 "We've got to go." says Lita as she walks out.
 Hotaru rushes over to Duo and kisses him on the cheek before running after Lita.  Michelle does the same with Trowa.  
Both Trowa and Duo are blushing.  Duo notices a package sitting on the counter and goes over to it.  Trowa watches as Duo opens 
the package.  The package explodes, killing both Duo and Trowa.  Lita, Hotaru, Michelle, and Lita's mom come rushing in.  The 
three girls start crying.  Sailor Chronos appears beside the devasted Queen.  She talks to the Queen and then goes over to Duo and 
Trowa an takes them away.

 **End of Dream**

 'What a dream!  It couldn't possibly be true could it?' Duo asks himself.
 They arrive at Colony L3 just as Saturn is beginning to wake up.  Once Duo makes sure Saturn is okay, they head off to Quatre's place.

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