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Sailor Moon E (Eternal) by Sailor Nebula 


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter  10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 pt 1
Chapter 12 pt 2
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 pt 1
Chapter 14 pt 2
Chapter 12: 
Part 1:
   Lost Lives, Old Loves, and Finding Each Other

Hotaru, Duo, Quatre, Sabrina, Millardo, Trista, Michelle, Trowa, Amara, and Wufei all notice a bright light fill the sky for 
a brief second before disappearing again.  The guys look at the girls as if they knew the answer and they did.  The girls had 
transformed and started running in the direction that the light had come from.  The guys raced after them.  The girls knew only one 
person who was still to be found so they figured Nebula was battling with Tracker again.  The guys asked no questions about what 
was going on or what the girls knew that they didn't.

 Dark Star flexes her black wings and glares at Tracker.  
 "Are you ready to die?" asks Dark Star as she smiles evilly.
 "Dark Star?!  It is you. I had thought you were dead but how can it be if you stand here infront of me?!" asks Tracker 
as he stares at Dark Star.
 "It was because of Nebula that I survived.  She was willing.  You wouldn't have cared.  You were just going to let me 
die.  You are nothing but a coward." shouts Dark Star as she lashes out at him with her swords.
 Tracker takes to the air with Dark Star in pursuit. Realizing too late that he was at a disadvantage in the air, Dark Star 
flys behind him and smashes the handles of her swords against his back.  Tracker crashes to the ground and struggles to get back 
to his feet.
 "Why?  What did Nebula do to turn you against me?  You and I were meant to be." pleads Tracker.
 "Nebula offered me life where you did not.  She gave me the chance to live.  Her and I became one in order to survive.  
Both us were going to die without the others help.  You...I'm not even going to waste my breath talking to you anymore.  Now you 
die!!" shouts Dark Star.  "Dark Star Inferno!!"
 Dark Star raises her two swords in the air.  The swords glow with red energy and the surrounding area grows darker.  
She flys into the air.  Her eyes glow red with rage as she focuses on her target.  She releases the energy and brings the swords 
down in an arc sending the energy at Tracker.  Tracker quickly dodges the blasts.  The two blasts smash into a nearby building and 
cause a huge amount of damage.  Tracker stares in horror at what that attack could have done if it had hit him.  
 "Dark Star please.  I didn't know that you wouldn't survive.  When that idiot told me he had switched projects was when 
I thought you had died.  I didn't know you were still alive.  Please believe me." pleads Tracker.
 "NEVER!!" shouts Dark Star and she comes down at him she slices at him.
 She manages to slice his left shoulder slightly.  He whinces in pain and jumps back.
 "Fine then.  I'll return and settle this another time." says Tracker as he disappears.
 "Coward..." says Dark Star as she walks over to the uncounsious Heero.
 Dark Star raises her head when she hears people apporaching.  Soon enough Sailor Pluto and the others come into 
view.  Dark Star flexes her wings and flys to the top of a nearby building.  Sailor Sun rushes over to Heero. 
 "Is he okay?" asks Duo.
 "Yeah he's fine but where is Tracker and Sailor Nebula?" asks Sun.
 "I don't know.  They have to be around here somewhere.  Unless..." Saturn stops what she was about to say as Sailor 
Dark Star lands before the group.
 The scouts get in a defensive stance incase Dark Star is their enemy.
 "Who are you and what have you done with Sailor Nebula?" asks Sun.
 "I am Sailor Dark Star but I am also Sailor Nebula.  Which would you prefer?" asks Dark Star.
 The scouts look in surprise as Dark Star transforms back into Sailor Nebula and collaspses.  Uranus runs over and 
catches Nebula as she falls.  Uranus lays her gently on the ground.
 "Hmph. What nonsense!" says a voice from the shadows.
 "Who's there?" asks Duo as him and Trowa point their guns in the direction of the voice.
 "I am Sailor Midnight.  Future scout of darkness.  I was sent here on a mission from Lady Chronos." answers Sailor 
 Sailor Midnight has short boyish brown hair like Heero's and and blue eyes.  She looks almost like Heero except for the 
fact that she is a girl.  Her fuku is gold and black.  She steps over to Heero and stares down at him with a cold look in her eyes.  
Heero slowly opens his eyes to find Midnight staring down at him.  Heero sits up quickly and points a gun at Midnight.  Midnight 
disappears and reappears beside Heero.  She quickly disarms him and destroys the gun.
 "Don't try it again." warns Midnight in an icy tone.
 "Who do you think you are?" asks Heero as he returns Midnight's icy glare with his own.
 Duo looks at the two and starts laughing.  Saturn looks back at Duo as if he's a nut case. 
 "What's so funny?" asks Heero and Midnight at the same time. 
 This time Sun starts laughing when she realizes what Duo is laughing about.
 "Would someone tell us what is so funny?" asks Wufei.
 "It's just if you look at those two you can realize that the girl must be Heero's future daughter." laughs Duo.
 The others look at the two and realize that they do look similar.  
 "I wasn't sent here to be laughed at." says Midnight.
 "Why were you sent here?" asks Sailor Neptune.
 "I was sent here to show this guy his real history instead of what he believes is true." says Midnight as she disappears 
with Heero.

 "Now listen here.  I'm only allowed to show you this once so watch closely." says Midnight.
 "And what if I choose not to?" asks Heero.
 Midnight clenches her fists as she trys to keep her cool. "Mother didn't ask me to come to go on the Lady's request for 
nothing.  Mother wanted me to show you your past.  So either you listen or you'll have to answer to Lady Chronos an she's more 
strict than I am."
 "Hmph. I'll listen if you'll hurry up."
 Midnight smiles.  "Good."

 Prince Heero and Lady Christine are walking in the gardens. 
 "I hate this. Why must I marry someone I don't even know?" asks Prince Heero
 "I'm not incharge of this. I can't do anything about this. You must marry her. It is for the good of the Kingdom." says 
Lady Christine.
 "I should be allowed to marry the girl I love."
 "And who is this girl you love?"
 "I can't tell you. I love her but I don't know how she feels about me."
 "Then why are you in love with her?"
 "Because she's kind, caring, tough, and beautiful."
 "Can't you tell me who this girl is?"
 "I can't." whispers Heero as he turns his face away to hide that he is blushing.
 "Tell me or I won't try to find away to get you out of this."
 Heero starts walking again. Christine catches up to him. They continue their walk through the gardens. He stops 
 "What is it Prince?" asks Lady Christine.
 "I've been wanting to tell you something."
 "What do you mean? "
 "I want to tell you something. All these years I've seen many princesses but none I've liked and I know why."
 "Why is that Prince?"
 "Because you are the one I've loved all this time. I could never tell you this before but it's you that I love. All these years 
you have been my advisor and friend but I have wanted to be more than friends for a long time now. "
 "You have?"
 "Yes. I've wanted to be with you."
 "But you are to marry a princess not me."
 "I don't care. I want to choose who I shall love not be forced. Please say you'll be my princess instead."
 "....I will." Christine replies as she smiles happily.
 "Then I pledge that I will always protect you from harm as long as I live."
 Christine hugs Heero, happily.
 "Aww. How sweet. Too bad it has to end." says a monster and her fires a blast at the couple.
 "Christine watch out!" shouts Heero. 
 He pushes her out of the way and gets hit instead.
 "Prince!!! No!!!" She cries as she sees him get shot. "Nebula Star Power"
 She destroys the monster then rushes to his side. Moonlight, Star, Earth, and Sun come running. Jessie sees her brother 
lying on the ground and runs over to him.
 "Heero please say you'll be alright." cries Nebula.
 "I'm sorry but I had to protect you. I promised." He says as he dies.
 "No, brother don't die." cries Sailor Star.
 Chronos comes over to the two crying girls. She tells them that she can save him if she gives him a new life in another 
world where he can start over. She promises to bring him back one day as they agree to let her take him.

 Heero stares at Midnight.  "Are you trying to tell me that this is all true?"
 "Yes.  That was your life before Lady Chronos brought you to the world you now live in." asnwers Midnight.  "It's your 
choice now.  You must choose who you are.  Will you be Heero the cold and mysterious Gundam Pilot without a care about 
himself or will you be Heero the prince who fell in love with his Lady and choose to give his life to protect hers.  Which will it be?  
You must choose and choose wisely."
 "Then I choose...both"
 "Yes both.  I cannot just be one.  I have lived lives in both worlds.  I will not choose to forget the one in order to live the 
 "Wise coice.  Now you can return to your friends for I must go." says Midnight as she smiles happily.

 Heero is returned to the others and Midnight is gone.  Heero walks over to Nebula and gently shakes her.
 "Huh?  What?  Is it morning already?" asks Nebula.
 "No.  Now wake up." says Heero.
 "Prince!  You're okay!" says Nebula as she sits up in surprise.
 "I'm fine."
 "It's time to go back." says Chronos as she appears before the group.  "Let the guys stand in the middle and the scouts 
form the teleport circle.  I'll need help returning everyone."
 The guys stand in the middle and watch as the girls stand in a circle around them and start to glow.
 "Saturn Crystal Power!"
 "Uranus Crystal Power!"
 "Neptune Crystal Power!"
 "Pluto Crystal Power!"
 "Sun Crystal Power!"
 "Nebula Crystal Power!"
 "Chronos Time Galaxy Transport!"
 The group disappears and then reappears in downtown Tyoko.
 "We're home!" shouts Sailor Sun.
 "Let's find the Queen." says Nebula.
 The girls detransform.  Chronos disappears through a portal after saying farewell.  Christine and Sabrina lead the group 
to their place.

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